DNS Exercise (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) – Course 01
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization ist ein Screening- und Therapiekonzept, welches sich verstärkt mit dem Zentralen Nervensystem beschäftigt, um Bewegungsmuster zu reprogrammieren. Ziel ist eine optimale Stabilisation des Rumpfes und der Extremitäten um Bewegungen korrekt und schmerzfrei ausführen zu können. Durch die Integration der frühkindlichen Entwicklungsphasen ermöglicht DNS eine Therapie für jegliches Beschwerdebild.
Course Goals and Description
Course objectives
Demonstrate an understanding of the basic principles of developmental kinesiology.
Describe the relationship between development during the first year of life and dysfunction of the locomotor system in adulthood.
Discuss and demonstrate the basis of human movement: support, stepping forward, the biomechanics of motor function, the verticalization process & functional joint centration in postural development. Evaluate and correct poor respiratory patterns. Assess the integrated stabilizing system of the spine both visually and utilizing dynamic functional tests. Integrate corrective exercises based on the DNS functional tests and developmental positions in supine, prone, low kneeling, oblique sit, and quadruped global movements.
Demonstrate how DNS corrective exercises can be integrated with other exercise strategies.
Certification in DNS Exercise Course to ensure adequate practice with clients, this practical test can only be taken one year after completion of the first DNS course (either DNS Exercise I or DNS A). You may still choose to take DNS Exercise III prior to that 1-year span. However, if you wish to take the trainer certification practical test, you will have to re-take Level III again and sit for the test. Also, completing an online test after DNS exercise II is a prerequisite for taking the practical test at DNS Exercise III course. When you earn your certification, you can choose to have your name listed on the Prague School Rehabilitation website for a one-time fee of 20 Euros.
- 03 - 04 Juli 2021
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Jana VeselaMPT, Prague School physiotherapist and Certified instructor of Dynamic Neuromuscular
Jana Vesela, Prague School physiotherapist and Certified instructor of Dynamic Neuromuscular
Stabilization® (DNS), graduated with Master´s degree in Physical Therapy at Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic in 2006.
In the same year, she started to work at the Clinic of Rehabilitation, Charles University Hospital Motol, Prague, as a physiotherapist in both – in and outpatient departments, where she – under the leadership of Prof. Pavel Kolar, PaedDr, PhD – applied DNS principles to treat patients (pediatric, adult, and geriatric) with various diagnoses, disabilities, and functional / structural problems.
Jana Vesela lectured at seminars held at the clinic, led clinical workshops and facilitated internships for physical therapy students and other medical profesionals.
In 2009, she became an assistant DNS instructor and assisted in leading DNS courses in Czech Republic, Europe and Australia.
In 2011, she became a Certified DNS Instructor and led DNS courses globally, including Europe and the Americas.
During her university studies, she played Ultimate Frisbee, and competed in Mixed and Women division. She is multiple national champion of the Czech Republic in both divisions and 2007 Silver Europian Champion in the Mixed division.
She also served as a physical therapist for Czech frisbee players, track-and-field juniors and various sports professionals.