DNS Exercise Course III

Lindebergs Osteopathie Physiotherapie Training welcomes Rehabiltation Prague School:

Course objectives

Review of developmental kinesiology in the context of adult optimal posture, sports performance
and global motor patterns to enhance outcomes in sport and human movement.
Demonstrate exercises in higher developmental positions – tripod, bear, squat, lunge, step up and
its modifications & training of body awareness.
Demonstrate exercises utilizing the principles of developmental kinesiology with elastic bands,
barbells, weights, and gymball
Discuss & demonstrate DNS exercises for specific sport techniques: throwing, jumping, stroke,
skating etc.
Students who want to work towards DNS Trainer certification must pass an online test after DNS
Exercise course part II, and before taking DNS Exercise course part III.
DNS Trainer Practical Certification Test
This test is the test to become a DNS Certified Trainer.
It is performed at the end of the DNS Exercise Part 3 course.

The test requires you to demonstrate and explain the following functional DNS tests:

– Describe optimal performance of the tests below.
– Identify any stabilization faults on your colleague for the tests below.
– Explain possible causes of the abnormal stereotype for the tests below.

1. Diaphragm test in sitting
2.Diaphragm test in prone
3.Intra-abdominal pressure regulation test in supine
4.Intra-abdominal pressure regulation test in sitting
5.Head flexion test in supine
6.Thoracic extension test
7.Quadruped test
8.Bear test
9.Squat test

Describe Exercises in the following developmental positions:

1. 3months supine & modifications
2. 3months prone & modifications
3. 5months side lying
4. 6months supine
5. 7.5months oblique sitting with forearm support
6. 8months oblique sitting with hand support
7. Quadruped exercise – modification for shoulder girdle and arm
8. Quadruped exercise – modification for pelvic girdle and leg
9. Tripod
10. High kneeling
11. Bear
12. Squat
13. Hanging stance

You are required to demonstrate the exercise on your colleague. You should be able to suggest any
corrections to perform properly and explain possible modification for progressions. Describe when and
why you would use such exercise positions.


19 - 20 Nov. 2022




Lindebergs Academy
Cuvilliésstraße 14A, 81679 München
