Were we wrong to stand upright?
“I will have theme around the two more compromised structures, the sacrum an the sternum, and how these two structures are the key to most of problems that we treat in everyday practice.
I will then look at “Structure Governs Function”. Relating this to the pelvic imbalance but also the incredible importance of the sternum in osteopathic practice. There will be practical sessions dealing with not only musculoskeletal issues but related physiological presentations.
I will emphasise relevance of all that has been said by A. T. Still. One of his last words to some students about protecting the future, wer’e, “keep it simple, boys”.
I want to have a fun weekend with a lot of hands on and some amusement of are we haven’t really adapted well to standing on the two legs instead of four.”
- 30 Apr 2022 - 01 Mai 2022
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Barrie Savory